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Over my dead body, Lindsay! LiLo's movie plans are snubbed by Stevie Nicks

Singer Stevie Nicks has sensationally slapped down Lindsay Lohan, who had hoped to portray her in a movie of her life.

In an interview with the New York Times this week, the 60-year-old vocalist, part of the group Fleetwood Mac, cited LiLo's drug problems and failure to 'get a grip' as the stumbling blocks to the plan.

Lindsay had hoped to buy the rights to make a movie of the dramatic highs and lows of Stevie's life story - with herself in the lead role.

Stevie Nicks

Lindsay Lohan

'Get a grip': The harsh words Stevie Nicks, pictured here on stage in Las Vegas last year, for LiLo, this week in LA

But Stevie Nicks has never been keen on the idea.

Last year, during a comeback tour with Fleetwood Mac, whose heyday was in the Seventies and Eighties, Stevie Nicks spoke out harshly in response to Lindsay's repeated statements about wanting to depict her life.

'She's been saying that for years,' said the singer of the 22-year-old actress. 'I have nothing against her but I'm still living and working. You know I'm not dead yet.'

In this week's interview with the New York Times, however, Stevie was even more blunt in her dismissal of Lindsay's ambitions - and didn't shy away from explaining the reason why.
Stevie Nicks

Back in the day: Stevie Nicks on tour with Fleetwood Mac. The star claims the group spent millions of dollars on cocaine

'Over my dead body,' she snapped when asked about Lindsay's plan. 'She needs to stop doing drugs and get a grip. Then maybe we’ll talk.'

The Mean Girls actress's problems with drugs are common knowledge. She has been convicted twice of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and is still on probation for the more recent crime. On both occasions, the police caught her with cocaine. She served two days in jail for one offence.

After one of her trips to rehab, Lindsay stated frankly: 'It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs.'
Lindsay Lohan

Another day at the office: LiLo steps out of a Bentley yesterday for a Beverley Hills hairdressing appointment

Stevie herself is no stranger to cocaine addiction. She admits that her use of it in the early Eighties was a huge problem that affected her voice and ability to perform, and estimates that she and the group spent millions of dollars on the drug.

Eventually, after being warned by a doctor that she might lose her nose completely, Stevie checked in to the famous Betty Ford Clinic in 1985 to try to beat her longstanding habit.

Now, Lindsay, who split recently from her lover Samantha Ronson, claims to be clean, and so she's likely to be unhappy with Stevie's put-down, not just because it dashes her hopes of playing her in the movie, but also because of the implication that she is still taking drugs.

Whatever happens, one thing's for certain: a Stevie Nicks biopic starring Lindsay Lohan won't be coming to your cinemas any time soon.

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